
十大彩票平台 will require a Criminal Background Investigation (CBI) 申请人和以前的学生在入学申请中自我声明 他们曾被判犯有交通违章以外的其他罪行,或目前有 criminal charges pending, students in the Teacher Education program of study, EGSC 申请担任中学后准备充实(PREP)导师的学生, EGSC导师,申请出国留学项目的EGSC学生或任何申请的学生 住在校内宿舍. 该政策的目的是(1)促进学院的发展 以兴趣和责任感来评价性格、成熟度和责任心 of its applicants for admission; (2) to ensure the safety of the campus community, 包括校内学生住宿设施和校外K-12安置环境, (3)让学院更好地向学生建议他们所面临的困难 在获得实习,学生的教学要求和职业执照 that, by law or policy, exclude those with certain convictions. 犯罪背景 支票有效期为一年. 学生有可能被要求获得 在EGSC注册期间的额外报告,以便将来实习 and for professional licensure in selected fields including teacher education.

教师教育学生特别注意事项: 每一门EGSC教师教育课程都要求学生完成课堂体验 以满足课程的基本要求. 该政策的目的是确保准备成为教育工作者的学生 possess appropriate qualities of character conducive to a K-12 setting. 罪犯 Background Investigation must be completed and approved by the committee prior to 这个学生被安排在幼儿园到12年级的教室里. 任何教师教育学生有罪 就没有资格进入K-12的课堂 and unable to fulfill the essential requirements of the course. 此外,它是 possible such student would likely not be able to fulfill future student teaching 课程要求不获得最终执照. 这一政策允许东格鲁吉亚 State College to advise students of the difficulties they face in obtaining future 实习,学生教学和执照.


十大彩票平台入学申请,即十大彩票平台 重新入学申请和十大彩票平台宿舍申请 要求申请人自我披露先前的刑事定罪和未决刑事案件 charges, to provide an explanation of the nature of the offense(s), the date(s) of occurrence, name and location of the court and the sentence imposed, and to submit 法院文件. Applicants also have a duty to notify the college immediately of any inaccuracies in, or corrections to, the information initially disclosed.

没有自我披露的处罚: 申请人没有自我披露以前或目前的刑事定罪和 入学申请,再入学申请或居留申请的未决费用 申请大厅是一个 伪造记录 and will render the applicant ineligible for admission to the institution and to 住房.

Pending Charges and Convictions: 当前的学生 Continuing Duty to Disclose

Following admission, currently enrolled students have a continuing duty to report 在十大彩票平台就读期间发生的逮捕和定罪,包括 出现在两项之间. 在EGSC注册期间,未来的犯罪活动可能 result in disciplinary action including suspension or expulsion from the college, 住房, activities and programs and the inability to complete a program of study.

Procedure for Undisclosed Charges and Convictions by Applicant or Student

Upon EGSC’s knowledge of an applicant’s or a student’s criminal activity and/or in conjunction with an alleged Student Code of Conduct violation, the student will be 要求签署犯罪背景调查同意书,以便提供原件 或获得更新的CBI. 在审查未决的刑事指控后,先 刑事定罪或入院后未报告或披露的刑事定罪 by the student, 十大彩票平台 may deny admission, dismiss, suspend or expel a student from a course, program, activity, 住房 and/or the institution. In addition, the student will forfeit all fees paid to 十大彩票平台 可能会被拒绝再入院的机会.



    • 填写背景调查同意书. 此表格可向学生索取 事务,邮寄到您的永久家庭住址,或访问 十大彩票平台这里.
    • Return the completed Background Investigation Consent Form to 招生.
    • 如果因为校园住宿以外的任何原因要求提交报告,则提交25美元的处理费用 十大彩票平台,商务办公室,131大学圈, Swainsboro, GA 30401. 请注意,您的费用是“CBI”。.


在收到 of the CBI report, the Background Investigation Committee will review 这份报告. If 这份报告 reveals pending charges or convictions, 的 Chair of the CBI committee will notify the student/applicant of the charges and of the date and time of a committee meeting where the student can appear before the committee. 的 委员会会议将在委员会收到CBI后10天内安排. 通知将通过EGSC电子邮件发送给在读学生,并通过电子邮件发送给申请人 我们的邮件. 的 purpose of the applicant/student appearance before the committee is to present his/her explanation of the criminal record and to address discrepancies or incomplete information in the applicant/student CBI and admissions or readmissions 应用程序. It is the responsibility of the applicant/student to provide any supporting 文档(e.g. police reports, affidavit, certified copy of 法院文件, 等.) to the Chair of the CBI committee two business days prior to the scheduled right 出现. 的 supporting documentation will be disseminated to the committee members 审查. 的 CBI Committee members and student have the right to attend live or 几乎. 的 CBI Committee reserves the right to record an audio and video recording of the right 出现 session for purposes of review and deliberation. 如果是学生 被告知有权出席委员会会议,但未能出席; the committee members may render a 决定 in the student's absence.

CBI委员会成员评估的信息可能包括,但不限于 致:

    1. Nature, circumstances and frequency of 这份报告ed offense;
    2. 犯罪时间:犯罪后的时间;
    3. Information that addresses efforts at rehabilitation including whether the student 对自己的行为承担责任或提出异议,接受惩罚,付出努力 积极的生活变化;
    4. Accuracy of information provided by the applicant in the admissions 应用程序; and
    5. 入学是否会危及EGSC教职员工、学生和学生的安全 访客,或危及任何参与校外教程的各方的安全 网站.

教师教育学生: 对师范专业学生的犯罪背景调查报告进行评估 using the above standards with specific attention to the nature of the prohibited crimes as set forth by the Georgia Professional 标准委员会 (GPSC). 的GPSC 对于被判犯有道德败坏罪行的申请人,如:欺诈,拒绝颁发执照 或以虚假借口取得有价值的东西,盗窃或轻微盗窃 盗窃,信托后盗窃,谋杀,嫖娼,故意杀人, 销售毒品或其他非法毒品,未提交联邦纳税申报表的模式 在应交税款的年份,犯罪地开出空头支票,并伪造 犯罪报告.


Applying the standards above, the committee may take one or more of the following 适用的措施:

    1. 录取机构,和/或住房,和/或其课程,有或没有 条件;
    2. 拒绝入读该机构;
    3. 拒绝接受教师教育计划,或在替代,律师 and advise student of future risks and barriers if he/she elects to continue this 学习计划;
    4. 拒绝聘用PREP或EGSC导师;
    5. Denial of admission to EGSC Study Abroad Program; and/or 
    6. 拒绝入住校内宿舍.

的 Chair of the CBI committee will send an official written response to applicant 寄往其永久家庭住址,并以普通及挂号信方式寄送有关委员会的资料 决定. 在校学生将收到学校电子邮件通知.


教师教育学生被拒绝进入教师教育的 program, and said student desires to continue in the teacher education program of 在学习期间,学生必须签署一份弃权表格. 弃权书建议学生入学 在EDUC 2110、EDUC 2120及/或2130的考试结果可能会导致:

  • Student being unable to fulfill the essential requirements (classroom experience) 当然;
  • 学生可能没有资格学习教师教育课程(转学后) at a 4 year degree granting institution; and
  • 如果学生在另一个学习领域完成了四年制学位,学生就可以 may not be able to obtain professional certification from the Georgia Performance 标准委员会.


An applicant/student denied admission to the college, 住房, its programs and/or activities, as a result of his or her criminal background investigation report has 有权在收到学生申诉后的五个工作日内向校长提出申诉 委员会的决定. 学生必须提交他/她的上诉信 在上述五天内,向总统提交给CBI委员会主席. 如果及时提交,CBI委员会主席将转交委员会文件和上诉 致总统的信. 的 appeal to the President is not a hearing; it is a review of the student’s file as it existed at the initial committee meeting. 在收到 对于上诉,院长的审查仅限于考虑是否有记录 包含支持先前决定的实质性基础. 没有新的信息 除非在特殊情况下出现令人信服的情况,否则应考虑这一呼吁 reasons why the information was not available at the initial committee review, why 现在应该提出,为什么没有在委员会初次会议上提出. 总统将在收到后的五个工作日内进行审查并作出决定 上诉. 的 student will be notified in writing of the 决定 within that 时间. 这是学生最后的制度诉求.


学生可以根据规定向校董会提出上诉 在校董会的政策手册中.