Approved by Academic Policies and Curriculum Committee 6/22/21
Approved by Faculty Senate 7/23/21
Approved by President 9/9/21


学生的成功是十大彩票平台(EGSC Strategic Plan FY 2020-21 – 2022-23). 为此目的,EGSC致力于提高其第一次的保留率, full-time freshman to at least 60% by Fall 2023. Retention rates of first-time, full-time students currently fall below this benchmark (Table 1). The At-Risk Alert Procedure 旨在将学生与教职员工联系起来,以获得学术支持和校园 资源,目的是提高学生的学业成绩和增加留校率.

Table 1. EGSC First-Time, Full-time Students Retention Rates

Fall Cohort Number of Students in Cohort Number of Students Retained Retention Rate
2019 1,074 541 50.4%
2018 1,123 536 47.7%
2017 1,029 512 49.8%
2016 1,070 524 49.0%
2015 1,148 594 51.7%
2014 1,059 554 52.3%
2013 1,040 565 54.3%
2012 1,319 650 49.3%
2011 1,699 729 42.9%
2010 1,162 626 53.9%

(Source: USG/CVIOG Qlik Analytics Portal/Retention 10-Year Trend)

Associated Policies and Procedures

The At-Risk Alert policy replaces the Early Alert policy ( approved in 2018 and is ancillary to established Midterm Grades and Progress Reports policy. 这项政策进一步界定了报告教员和学术顾问的角色, as well as the composition and responsibilities of the Retention Team. This policy compliments the EGSC Advisement Plan and supports the EGSC Mission and Strategic Plan.

At-Risk Alert Reporting Procedure

一年级的教师可以随时为许多学生生成风险警报 reasons (Table 2). Issuance of an At-Risk Alert in Grade First automatically notifies 学生的学术顾问以及保留团队的主席 学生在完成课程方面没有取得令人满意的进展. Record 可以在每个学生成绩的报告/笔记部分找到这些警告的详细信息 First profile. Academic Advisors, Faculty, and Retention Team members can access alerts at any time.

Per established EGSC policy在美国,目前要求在每门课程的第一季度内提交进度报告 term. 电子学习主任在GradesFirst为学生发布进度报告 在第四周(16周课程),两周(8周课程)取得令人不满意的进展 courses), or six days (four week courses) into the semester. Unsatisfactory progress 被定义为预计会导致低于分数的行为或活动 a C for the course. Progress reports trigger the same notifications as an At-Risk Alert. 这些警报的记录可以在每个学生的报告/笔记部分找到 Grades First profile. Academic Advisors, Faculty, and Retention Team members can access and comment on progress reports at any time.

Table 2. General At-Risk Alert Types Available for Use in Grades First

Alert Type Justification
Retention Team Attendance Alert Student has accumulated three or more unexcused absences.
No Textbook 学生无法获得所需的材料,这不利于他们的能力 to participate in the course.
Needs Tutoring 学生已被教师建议寻求学术援助,但仍然没有表现 well academically.
Needs Counseling 学生让老师有理由担心他们的精神状态 health.
Participation/Performance Issues 学生没有参与课堂和/或在评估中表现不佳(e).g. homework, labs, exams).
Transportation Issues 学生已告知教师因交通不便而难以上课.
Student Conduct Violations 学生表现出阻碍自己或他人学业进步的行为 within the course or has displayed issues with incivility.

Academic Advisor Role

EGSC作为一个团队开展学术咨询工作,每个成员都是团队成员 team having a clear understanding of his or her role in advising students. The team 成员包括学生,他们有责任确定自己的学术目标; 专业的学术指导人员,他们的训练和专业知识将指导学生 through the variety of programs that are available to them; full-time faculty, whose experience in their disciplines is an invaluable resource to students. Each member 团队的工作与他人和谐,以帮助学生,因为他们的选择 from the courses and programs of study offered at EGSC (See Academic Advising Plan).

顾问可能会也可能不会与他们的顾问建立私人关系 for a number of reasons. Students and advisors may or may not share a campus, advisees 定期重新分配,以保持每个指导老师的学生人数合理; 新生和换专业的学生会在迎新活动中得到建议 often require a new advisor. To that end, when an At-Risk Alert is triggered, the 学术顾问可能是也可能不是最合适的个人发起一个 effective inquest into the alert. However, reaching out to an advisee who has been 鼓励发出警告,因为警告的性质可能会影响学生的学习 academic plan and progress toward their degree. 

Faculty Role

认识到课堂互动在提高学生素质方面的作用是至关重要的 learning and improving student learning outcomes. Attendance and early grades are important predictors of overall student performance and retention rates. At-Risk Alerts, 特别是那些在学期早期发布的,对于识别潜在的障碍是有用的 对学生的学习和努力相结合时提供的学生更有影响力 有机会获得辅导、经济援助和心理健康等支持服务 counseling. Students may not be aware of the resources available to them until an 个别教员发现潜在的危险行为并发出警报.

在任何时间因任何原因发布风险警报的教师有责任提供 十大彩票游戏平台警报性质的详细信息以及所采取的任何步骤 already been taken to improve student outcomes. Any pertinent communication between 警告之前的学生和教师的名字应该包含在评论中 section. 警报触发后发生的任何操作或通信 can also be communicated through Grades First. This ensures cohesion between faculty 沟通和保留外展,进一步赋予学生成功的能力.

Retention Team Role

The Retention Team is charged with responding to alerts issued by faculty. The Director 保留团队将把警报委托给保留团队的相应成员. 留用小组由在具体支助领域工作的工作人员组成 根据教师发送的警报类型来解决学生关注的问题. These 个人直接支持服务,如家教和咨询是必要的 to the success of the whole student. In collaboration with faculty efforts inside 课堂上,留用小组成员的行为为学生提供了关键 support services early in their college careers. This directly strengthens the impact of alerts and enhances use of the Retention Team as described in the EGSC Strategic Plan.

一旦被保留总监激活,保留团队成员将进行尝试 通过电子邮件和/或电话号码联系学生,以启动必要的支持 service(s) reflected within the alert comments. Actions of the Retention Team can 包括但不限于提供辅导预约、重组 学术计划,协助导航经济援助服务,在学术安置 成功研讨会,安排补充指导,转介心理治疗 health counseling. Communication regarding support intervention activities will be placed in GradesFirst by the Retention Team members. This ensures that faculty or 指导老师可以参考学生为提高学业成绩所采取的行动 performance. Follow-up messages will be sent by the Director of Retention to prompt student to action in addition to other team efforts.

Retention Team

    • Director of Retention (Chair)
    • Director of Learning Commons
    • Director of Academic Support Services
    • Director of Student Conduct
    • Director of the Office of Counseling and Accessibility Services

GradesFirst Training

Per EGSC policy, a GradesFirst training course is available for all faculty members; new faculty 会员必须参加“成绩第一”培训,并应通知院长 or the Director of eLearning to be added to the training course.

Assessment and Evaluation

来自GradesFirst系统和USG留校趋势率的数据将用于制作 informed decisions related to improving the At-Risk Alert process.